Who Told You That (Paperback)



Author Angela Deese shares life stories in this thought-provoking non-fiction book. She shares personal stories that lead you to examine your own relationship to Christ.

She shares that understanding the voices that are often played in our minds will lead us to victory over the enemy. We often do not recognize that the enemy is speaking. When we know the Word of God, we will be able to make decisions based on what we know to be truth. Often, we are misled due to our own lack of knowledge of the Word of God. Angela wants you to know, “Who Told You That.” If you can hear your Shepherd’s Voice and know that He is speaking, you will be able to stop the voices that can lead you into wrong relationships, addictions, and sin patterns.

As Eve was deceived by the serpent in the garden, we must recognize the slithering, lying, devil for who he is! When He asks, “Did God say?” Know the answer. Don’t eat of the forbidden fruit. When God asks, “Who Told You That?” Make sure to know.

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