NovBreaking Free from Deception in Angela Deese’s Who Told You That
In Who Told You That, Angela Deese addresses a problem that many Christians struggle with: the battle between truth and falsehood in our thoughts. Through personal tales and deep biblical understanding, Angela explains how the… Read More
NovUnderstanding the Voices in Our Minds, A Reflection on Who Told You That by Angela Deese
In her stunning book, Who Told You That, author Angela Deese takes readers on a path of exploration and progress. Reflecting on her own life experiences, Angela encourages us to consider the voices that affect… Read More
FebElijah Syndrome
The Prophet of Fire refers to the prophet Elijah. He was regarded as one of Israel's most prominent and renowned prophets. He was instrumental in bringing about a resurgence in the Northern Kingdom. Elijah performed a… Read More
FebThe Refining Fire
Have you ever wondered why God represents and reveals Himself as an all-consuming fire? Fire plays a significant role in our development as a civilization. Using fire allows us to create, alter, and even obliterate things.… Read More
OctThe Power to Speak into the Darkness
Except for man, who was crafted by God’s hand, every creation was spoken by God into existence. He commanded light, water, earth, fauna, and flora, and every conceivable creation to come forth and take shape.… Read More
OctThe Still Small Voice in the Dark
Perception happens when the brain interprets messages from our sensory organs, and various regions of the brain respond to distinct sensory information. The visual cortex processes visual information, whereas the auditory cortex processes sound information.… Read More
OctFind Your Courage in God
The world wants to see the righteous fall, and sometimes to save our flesh, we conform to its patterns. However, by doing this, we risk the salvation of our spirits. Life is a constant battle… Read More